For over 20 years, we’ve worked with manufacturers of all sizes to solve some of the world’s most complex manufacturing surface quality problems. Learn how to apply material science to manufacturing in your unique industry today.
A Smarter Approach to Dyne Testing: Digital Contact Angle Measurement
For the first time, manufacturers have a scientific alternative to dyne testing.
Make the switch to contact angle measurements, an intelligent methodology to ensure surface cleanliness and eliminate industrial adhesion issues.
The Surface Analyst family of surface quality inspection products utilizes contact angle measurements to measure surface energy—a versatile and quantifiable measurement that validates surface cleanliness and predicts how well liquid chemistry will stick--whether you're sealing, bond, coating printing or painting.
The Surface Analyst Advantage
Unlike conventional methods like dyne ink, the Surface Analyst is the first tool of its kind to bring lab precision surface quality inspection to the factory floor.
- The only surface intelligence platform that enables businesses to make better decisions and reduce the risk of adhesion failures.
- Handheld device or automated, in-line solution
- 2-second inspection
- Non-destructive to the material being tested and the operator
- Inspections can be taken on any material surface
- The patented measurement method allows for testing various surfaces: non-planar, textured, or vertical
Make the Switch by Talking to an
Adhesion Expert Today
Watch the Surface Analyst in Action
Download the eBook!
Manufacturer's Roadmap to Eliminating Adhesion Issues in Production
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Recent Blog Articles About Dyne Testing
Uncover the reasons why dyne testing is considered an outdated technique.
Read about the drawbacks of dyne testing and explore the most effective substitutes.
Explore the most effective techniques for measuring surface quality.
Control supplier quality by replacing dyne testing with contact angle measurements.
Brighton Science is the global leader in surface intelligence.
Tell us your goals or challenges, and we can advise you on specific solutions you can put to work immediately or build into your optimization processes.
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