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CMH-17 Composite Materials Handbook: Validating Surface Preparation

Ongoing Advancements in the Field of Composite Materials

Brighton Science (formerly BTG Labs) maintains an important connection to  CMH-17, the Composite Materials Handbook. Brighton Science's special connection began in 2004 when Giles Dillingham, Founder and Chief Scientist, read that CMH-17 declared surface preparation as the number 1 problem in manufacturing implementation. This promoted a lack of trust in adhesive bonding. Thus, a way to monitor, measure, and maintain surface processes began to take shape.

From this need, Brighton Science developed an innovative technology that would quickly grow and be utilized in the largest manufacturing sites across the globe. Today, Surface Analyst™ technology provides a way to confidently measure and monitor surface-sensitive processes. At Brighton Science, we continue to evolve our technology every day, and resources such as CMH-17 help move us forward.

CMH-17 is a handbook that creates, publishes, and maintains proven and reliable information and standards on composite development, utilization, and manufacturing. This group of high-qualified professionals provides the standards and guidance necessary to design and fabricate high-quality products from composite materials. 

Rethink your adhesion manufacturing processes with Surface Intelligence.

Three Main Issues Concerning the Surface Preparation of Composite Materials:

  1. Lack of trust in adhesive bonding
  2. Absence of standards
  3. Weak to nonexistent monitoring processes

These issues are interconnected. The lack of trust comes from a lack of standards and reliable methods to monitor surface quality and processes.

Download the eBook "Predictable Adhesion in Manufacturing Through Process Verification" and learn how manufacturers across the globe have been able to gain the confidence they need to optimize and innovate surface-critical processes.

The Future of Manufacturing: A Guide to Intelligent Adhesive Bonding Technologies & Methodologies