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Gage Reproducibility and Repeatability (R&R) of the Surface Analyst™

Obtaining Quality and Consistency with the Surface Analyst

Brighton Science's Surface Analyst™ uses a micro-liter of highly purified water to quantifiably measure contact angle. This objective measurement enables any user to obtain accurate results in either a pass/fail rating or a contact angle number.

In a Gage R&R study, the Surface Analyst was measured for quality and consistency. The study used 3 different surface treatments on ten titanium coupons: grit-blasted; grit-blasted, followed by plasma clean; and grit-blasted, plasma cleaned and allowed to age. Two different users evaluated these measurements. The result revealed that using multiple appraisers did not influence information obtained using the Surface Analyst.Figure shows that appraiser variation is virtually nonexistent.

Figure from the Gage R&R  study shows that appraiser variation is virtually nonexistent.

Eliminating Subjectivity and Obtaining Quantifiable Information

It is also notable that although all treatments may have produced desirable results, the Surface Analyst was readily and reproducibly able to determine the difference between these results because it produces highly sensitive, objective contact angle measurements. The Surface Analyst offers accurate and quantifiable measurements in a reliable manner, as opposed to other subjective surface treatment measurement techniques.

As seen in the graph "Part by Appraiser," the variation between two appraisers does not exist. This repeatable test eliminates the potential for failure and waste and ensures consistency and reliability in the lab and on the factory floor.

Rethink your adhesion manufacturing processes with Surface Intelligence.

Click here to read the full Gage R & R paper.

To learn how manufacturers across the globe are utilizing surface intelligence data to streamline product development, innovate new products, qualify suppliers and optimize cleaning and adhesion processes, download the eBook "Guide to Adhesion Science for Flawless Manufacturing."
