Consumer Goods
Solve Complex Adhesion Problems in Consumer Goods Manufacturing
The ubiquity of adhesive bonding in consumer goods manufacturing can be seen in label printing, assembling sporting good products, coatings on smart phone glass, window manufacturing, audio speaker assembly, nonstick coatings on cookware, and hundreds more places. High quality products require high quality surfaces. We partner with some of the most popular brands in the world to ensure their adhesion is flawless and without fail.
Common Applications:
- Verification of polymer treatment prior to bonding or printing
- Create baseline cleanliness specifications for incoming materials from suppliers
- Determine optimum cleaning and surface treatment parameters for ultrasonic parts washers, plasma and flame treatments, and vapor degreasers
- Control the effects of aging on material surface quality while it’s in storage or shipping
- Fix printing and sealing problems
- Ensure new products are ready to scale-up to production
- Validate surface cleanliness prior to painting or coating applications
- Ensure bond strength of adhesives and tapes
Our Customers
Unmatched educational resources to expand your knowledge and understanding
Brighton Science is the global leader in surface intelligence.