Videos About the Surface Analyst Applications

Webinar: Uncovering Non-Obvious Variables in Surface Preparation Processes for Bonding and Coating of Composites

Written by Brighton Science | Jun 7, 2019 6:22:36 PM

Surface preparation for aerospace and automotive bonding and coating operations are still largely manual processes which frequently include some combination of solvent wiping and abrasion.

These processes can be very effective if implemented with proper process control feedbacks. 

However, recent experience with bonding and coating operations across a range of industries has revealed that processes that were successfully demonstrated in a materials and process laboratory don’t always translate into reliable and repeatable processes in manufacturing. Root cause analysis has shown that this usually stems directly from a lack of knowledge of all of the variables that can affect the success of a surface preparation process. Process variables that are not identified cannot be measured and controlled. 

This webinar presents a compendium of variables that have been uncovered during failure analysis of aerospace bonding operations and shows how awareness of these variables permits implementation of simple process control steps that significantly increase bond reliability.

To learn more about surface treatment processes and how to manage them to ensure you're building the highest quality products possible, download our eBook: Manufacturer's Roadmap for Eliminating Adhesion Issues in Production.